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While The Coalition for Workforce Diversity understands the unique challenges and limitations of persons with disabilities; we also know how to discover and promote strengths and value they bring to the workplace. In the last four years alone, The Coalition for Workforce Diversity has found employment for over 500 individuals with disabilities.

All of the employers who have joined the coalition have recruited and hired people with disabilities. They understand the value that this resource brings to their business.

Our primary goal is to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace; while helping individuals maximize their full potential.” Philip Donahue, Project Manager – Coalition for Workforce Diversity

The Coalition for Workforce Diversity providers assists individuals with disabilities with creating a resume, navigating complex online application processes, preparing for interviews. Our job coach partners assist workers in on-the-job training, work uniforms, childcare, and other obstacles that may arise.

In situations where current disability benefits (SSDI or SSI) are being received, we can assist potential workers in planning for any effects employment may have on payments and the transitioning processes available.

Personalized services and individualized assistance is available from The Coalition of Workforce Diversity service providers to help workers with disabilities find and maintain a job. These services include job readiness training, creating a resume, completing online job applications, and preparing for job interviews. There are many people without disabilities that have some level of uncertainty in these areas, so specialized assistance is available to those who need it. Coalition service providers will assist people with finding resources to overcome barriers to employment, such as planning for transportation, childcare, work uniforms, etc. Our agency job coaches can help potential employees learn new job skills and understand what is expected of them in their new position.

The Coalition for Workforce Diversity also provides continuing services to help disabled workers maintain employment by clearly and systematically defining role expectations. Our ultimate goal is to find long term employment for workers with disabilities in positions that accentuate their unique skills and contributions while accommodating any special needs they may have that may arise. This support has allowed the Coalition to place over two hundred employees in positions where they excel; benefiting the employer and giving a new sense of purpose and contribution to the individual.