Links and Resources for Job Seekers

Welcome to our Job Seekers Links and Resources page. We have organized a list of our trusted partners and resources to help you get started on your way.

One of the most important resources for a job seeker with disabilities is the Kentucky Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR).

These short videos below will tell you OVR more about how to access resources.

The first video is an overview of the services that are offered.

The next two videos detail two of the most popular vocational rehabilitation programs. The Supported Employment program is for job seekers who would like to receive the services of one of our service providers. You must first enroll with vocational rehabilitation to receive a referral to a service provider. The third video details a new program, Pre-ETS, Early Transition Services. This funding is specifically designed for high school students who receive special education services and are transitioning to the world of work.

Again, you will need a referral to use this program, but you can contact the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for more information.

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation: An Overview
Kentucky Office of VR: Supported Employment
Kentucky Office of VR: Pre-Employment Transition Services

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation link


One important link we have listed under providers details asking for an accommodation. This information can be of great benefit to job seekers as well.

Coalition Forward stands by to assist Employers, Service Providers and Job Seekers. If you have any questions or would like to speak to a staff member, please contact us today. We look forward to assisting you.

Contact Information: Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Central Office

Mayo-Underwood Building

500 Mero Street 1st Floor SE

Frankfort, KY 40601

(800) 372-7172 (V/TTY)