Welcome to our service providers links and resources portal. We have organized a list of our trusted partners and resources to help you understand our mission and to assist you in working with Coalition Forward. We have an ever-growing list of service providers and are always open to bringing more onto our team.
In addition to the coalition and the other resources listed on our service provider page there are several national resources available to employers.
We have organized a list of our trusted partners and resources to help you get started on your way as a productive employed individual. If you have any questions or would like to speak to a staff member, please contact us today. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to finding new employment opportunities.
JAN (Job Accommodations Network) http://askjan.org
ODEP (Office Of Disability Employment Policy) offers several good resources on recruiting, hiring, and retaining high quality employees with disabilities. http://www.dol.gov/odep/topics/RecruitmentAndRetention.htm
Disability.gov also provides resources on different aspects of recruiting and hiring people with disabilities.
SOAR (Searchable Online Accommodation Resource), which allows the user to search by disability and difficulty the applicant or employee is experiencing and provides a list of possible accommodations.