Online Placement Report Form

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Bryce Clayton APSE 2018

Bryce Clayton was nominated for and won the Personal Achievement Award at the 2018 National APSE conference in Orlando Florida. He has worked at UPS Worldport since 2015 and is now a part-time supervisor in wing Delta South Unload. Bryce is a goal oriented young man...

Parallon Puts People First Join Award Winning Team

Parallon puts people first! Being named among Kentucky’s Best Places to Work once is an accomplishment worth celebrating. But receiving the distinction 10 years in a row is a remarkable feat – and one that Parallon’s Louisville Specialty Center can now say it’s...

UPS Supervisor Delivers Personal Training

Bahan personalizes training for TLC new hires Transitional Learning Center Front Line Supervisor Jennifer Bahan looks forward to coming to work every day. She said she is grateful she can help others and make an impact at UPS by helping nontraditional new-hire...

Congressman Yarmuth Visited UPS

Congressman Yarmuth visited UPS on January 23rd, 2015. He became aware of the Coalition for Workforce Diversity and what is happening at the Transitional Learning Center at UPS. This was a call to action for other employers to hire more people with disabilities....